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Exit Planning
Savvy Business Owners Have a Solid Exit Plan
The majority of American business owners are nearing retirement age, but only a small percentage of businesses put up for sale actually sell. Unplanned events can also force an owner into an exit that isn’t on their terms or timeline. When a business goes to market with no final return after years of investing time, money, and hard work, this leaves the owner with limited options to draw wealth from the value created and limited possibilities to pass economic continuity along to the next generation.
But when you have a plan in place that prepares the business for your exit and transition, the business becomes more attractive and valuable to buyers. Solid exit planning is not just a plan; it’s a good business strategy, focusing on growing value, expanding your options, and helping you transition the business whenever you’re ready—on your terms—leaving you with a personal action plan for a happy exit from your business that will meet your goals.

Exit Readiness Assessment
Complete our FREE 15-minute Exit Readiness Assessment.
It examines your exit preparedness in four key categories:
Operations, Planning, Finance, and Revenue/Profit. The multiple-choice questionnaire produces a 12-page summary report that breaks down your responses by category and is emailed to you without obligation. Please note that you will not be asked for confidential financial information.
After receiving your report, we will contact you to schedule a follow-up debriefing to discuss your exit preparedness.